I really liked the interview that Phil Cousineau did with Peter Russell and Sraddhalu Ranade. Phil’s show is called Global Spirit. and the subject was “Consciousness.”
Sraddhalu Ranade: You could ask what caused the crisis, and then you have to go back one step deeper and recognize there is a certain intention in evolution, in nature, in life, and having consolidated all the stages up to now with the human intellectual development, it’s as if nature wants to push forward to break through to something further, into a spiritual consciousness beyond the intellect. And so in the hearts of every human being there’s this urge and this push of pressure felt, and we don’t know why. Everybody feels a sense of “time is short, there’s something to be done”—a time of restlessness. Not everybody can articulate it, but this push is there. And that’s the evolutionary push that’s pushing in us. And at that point, we have a choice. It’s like there’s this huge momentum of nature trying to make a leap, and we have a choice. We can catch that tidal wave and flow with it, or we can miss the opportunity and be shattered by it or drown in it. But if we consciously align ourselves, then like a surfboard rider, we can ride the wave, and there’s a huge potential in the present circumstances for progress.
That’s why there’s almost like a crowding of souls wanting to take birth now, b/c the pace of change, thepressure itself, is so great. It was not so before. It won’t be so after, and we’ll look back afterwards and say, “You know what, that was the most important opportunity of all our lives—across the millions of years.” You see, in evolutionary terms, this kind of a transition has never happened before. We’ve had other types, from rock to plant, plant to animal, animal to human, but all of them were driven by the instinctive nature. This is the first great transition where real consciousness can participate in the leap. Once we’ve made this transition, further transitions will be in the superconscious state, and there won’t be this kind of a struggle. So, in every way, this is a unique opportunity and a unique transition. There’s nothing more creative than consciousness, and it’s all in there within us.